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Idosell security badge
With Magnetic Base / 350*350mm
With Magnetic Base / 350*350mm
With Magnetic Base / 350*350mm
With Magnetic Base / 350*350mm
With Magnetic Base / 350*350mm
With Magnetic Base / 350*350mm
With Magnetic Base / 350*350mm
With Magnetic Base / 350*350mm
With Magnetic Base / 350*350mm

With Magnetic Base / 350*350mm

160,00 zł
brutto / szt.
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Produkt dostępny w bardzo dużej ilości
Produkt dostępny w bardzo dużej ilości
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Bezpieczne zakupy

Coated Textured PEI Sheet + Smooth Carbon Fiber PET Flexible Sheet Hotbed Plate Work for Artillery Genius/Pro/MK2/MK2A/Anet A8/Anet A6 (Without Magnetic Base), Ender 3/Ender 3 Pro/Ender 3 V2/Ender 5/Ender 5 Pro/Neptune 3 Pro/Voxelab Aquila/C2/X2/ (Without Magnetic Base), Artillery SW-X1/X2,Ender 3 Max CR10 3D Printer (Without Magnetic Base).

  • It is Single plate. One side smooth PET surface, one side textured PEI surface, two different printing experiences with one plate. The PET sheet needs to be used together with magnetic base, please make sure you already have one base on your 3d printer.
  • Spring steel is a steel specially manufactured for springs and elastic elements. It has the ability of elastic deformation, printing without edge warping, not easy to scratch, super viscous, and it is difficult to make it permanent deformation by artificial force.
  • First stick the soft magnetic base to the heating bed of your 3D printer, then put the stacked PET steel foil platform on top and you are ready to use. the PET surface sticks to the magnet almost too well, it makes it easy to switch between smooth bottom surfaces and textured bottom surfaces.
  • For most filaments, no need for stick glue, tape or other adhesive. Good adhesion can be achieved when the temperature of the heated bed is around 80°C. When the PET building surface has cooled, very easily bending the plate to take off the printed models. The maximum printing temperature of PET is 120°C, it is compatible with PLA filament; while PEI can withstand 260°C high temperature., compatible with filament like PLA/ ASA/ TPU/ PETG/ ABS etc.
Kod producenta
With Magnetic Base
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